Who is Fenley Designs?

Hi, I’m Annie. 
I decided to set up Fenley Designs in 2020 after our first IVF cycle (and years of treatment before that). I wanted to create my own unique design of milestones to document my next round, and had so much fun creating them I decided to set up my little business and never looked back.

Fenley Designs, and what we do has been inspired by my own personal journey to start a family. I started off specialising in IVF, but soon realised that there are so many other journeys to have a family which need documenting, Adoption, IVF, Surrogacy, Solo mum by choice – The list goes on.

I LOVE creating something different, and something beautiful to help document what can sometimes not be the easiest of journeys.

At Fenley Designs, all our designs can be personalised to each individual journey, so please get in touch if to are after anything specific.

Annie :)

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